Who We Are ?

The Project Management Unit of PSSP has been established and consist of the following key positions: Project Director, Deputy Project Directors (MoH and MPCLGS), Project Officers, Procurement Specialist, FM Specialist, Accountants (MoH and MPCLGS), Internal Auditor, M&E Specialist (MPCLG) M&E Officers (MoH) Communications and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Officers, Provincial Project Managers, Provincial Project Officers and Regional Project Coordinators as well as other relevant administrative and technical support staff.

The Project Director reports to the Secretaries of the MoH and MPCLGS who co-chair the NSC. It is important for provincial and regional project staff to be an integral part of the project management structure given the provincial involvement in project implementation.

The provincial and regional project staff are having responsibilities for coordination with various stakeholders and reporting on the project’s progress and performance.

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